I thought he took quite a long time to do the run-in to the ferry, but that may have been a mistaken impression.
I can't find the 'regular schedule' on their F******* page, only this:
The Cave-In-Rock Ferry operates 6:00 a.m., to 9:50 p.m., CT, daily. The last run from Illinois is at 9:40 p.m. The last run from Kentucky is at 9:50 pm.
That may be as close to a schedule as it gets.
The hours were reduced from 16 a day to 12 last year:
As the state transportation departments have intervened, there have probably been more changes.
His lead has gone up again ... to 468 miles (while Keith is resting, although Abdullah now seems to be resting, too).
He may be fatiguing, but probably not as much as the others. :)
He seemed to go very slowly up to the Cave-in-Rock ferry for a while--did that have anything to do with ferry timings?