I mean, whats's an official record? If it's what Nathan says, then any crossing roughly following the route would count he's so chill about it all. You have to detour sometimes as roads are closed, if it's a minor detour then I think it shouldn't impact the record but if the detour, say, cut out a whole mountain pass or important segment or whatever then it'd be questionable. I'm not sure what Tour Divide rules are on this but I know they asterisk any records that were set when detours happened - I just don't know if they have a threshold for "detour" on that.
I reckon, so long as you're mostly on the required route and the detour was unavoidable due to road closure then it's a record.
How much of a detour would threaten his time being seen as an official one? Or does it not matter? I know you said about if he didn't do McKenzie Pass it would rule out his time, but were you joking?