Static is one thing that the vacuum cleaner sorts right out, due to the water.
I'd never noticed the brush making a difference. There is an argument about technique where you move the brush towards the centre post on the deck until it touches it which is supposed to make it pick up the remaining debris due to earthing the brush. There's a video out there somewhere.
For static a lot of people like the anti-static guns. There's also the spin clean which is a manual liquid based cleaner.
We're all busy enjoying our records :)
They are all pretty similar and the more you look into it the less they are liked. I have some and don't really use them anymore but I do use a vacuum cleaner. My own experience of them is similar to most people, it's difficult to remove all the debris with them so you end up with a bunch of dust that you are pushing around the record until you lift the brush and it stays in a line. I guess you could just snort it off with a straw then!!