Thanks again for the reply. It's share of freehold. There is no way to get to the back of the house without going through the downstairs. I haven't seen the lease yet but will ask the agents to find out on my behalf. Yes, the surveyors I have spoken to on the phone so far all seem to suggest that full building survey would not add much to homebuyer survey. I thought they would all recommend the more expensive service anyway.
Are you leasehold, share of freehold, whole building freehold?
Have you seen the lease yet? I'm in a first floor Victorian conversion and I'm only responsible for anything from the bottom of the first floor up.
Can you get access to the back of the house without going through the downstairs or will you need access anyway?
Chances are an additional inspection of at least the ground floor exterior isn't going to be that much more than what you'll be paying anyway by the time someone has come out.