I used to ride a small bit of the Greenway on my commute, just the bit from the Olympic Park to the edge of Hackney Wick - felt a bit dodgy on winter night, mainly because it was completely unlit. Never had any problems though.
Bit more of a detour, but I definitely preferred Bethnal Green - Vic Pk - Hackney Wick - Olympic Park over Whitechapel, Mile End, Bow Roundabout. Avoids being pulled out on about 5 times a day on the CS2.
So I’m testing out commute from Parliament to uptown.. well actually Plaistow via Whitechapel, Mile End, Bow Roundabout, then Greenway.. I love greenway but I fear winter months could be desolate. Any commuters of Greenway here with positive view.. it’s not the most direct route but better than via Canning Town..
I love the wet sock scoot story btw up Denmark Hill :)
Comments welcome..
Almac x