I used to ride a small bit of the Greenway on my commute, just the bit from the Olympic Park to the edge of Hackney Wick - felt a bit dodgy on winter night, mainly because it was completely unlit. Never had any problems though.
Bit more of a detour, but I definitely preferred Bethnal Green - Vic Pk - Hackney Wick - Olympic Park over Whitechapel, Mile End, Bow Roundabout. Avoids being pulled out on about 5 times a day on the CS2.
I used to ride the Greenway when it was just known as the sewers.
Most frightening thing that ever happened to me while cycling was coming round the bend past the cemetery late at night. Rode straight through a ghostly column of mist rising from the floor...
Was only when I got to the end and was brave enough to turn round that I realised it was steam coming from the vents!
Don’t think I ever got home quicker. -
I do the stretch from East Ham to Olympic park daily, it's gotten heaps better since they installed 24/7 lighting and turned it into Q22. Never had any trouble on it during regular commuting hours; commuter traffic does drop a little during the winter months but that just makes it more fun.
Best ridden at 4AM very stoned when it's deserted and you can pretend it's ghosts rising out of the vents instead of sewer stank.
So I’m testing out commute from Parliament to uptown.. well actually Plaistow via Whitechapel, Mile End, Bow Roundabout, then Greenway.. I love greenway but I fear winter months could be desolate. Any commuters of Greenway here with positive view.. it’s not the most direct route but better than via Canning Town..
I love the wet sock scoot story btw up Denmark Hill :)
Comments welcome..
Almac x