Looking for a really light-duty sofa-mac for my mum.
It will basically be used for browsing and email and streaming music to a bluetooth speaker.
Thought of getting her an iPad but thought both on-screen keyboard as well as those keypad-covers will annoy her (she's touch typing fluently on regular keyboards), then thought about an Air, but heard a lot of you complaining about the "butterfly" type keyboards (they're the same as the ones in the new MacBook pros, right?). Also a bit over budget really.
How about an old Air? Do they have motherboard / graphic card breakdown issues like the pro's as well?
Looking for a really light-duty sofa-mac for my mum.
It will basically be used for browsing and email and streaming music to a bluetooth speaker.
Thought of getting her an iPad but thought both on-screen keyboard as well as those keypad-covers will annoy her (she's touch typing fluently on regular keyboards), then thought about an Air, but heard a lot of you complaining about the "butterfly" type keyboards (they're the same as the ones in the new MacBook pros, right?). Also a bit over budget really.
How about an old Air? Do they have motherboard / graphic card breakdown issues like the pro's as well?
Any feedback / suggestions appreciated.