There's quite a few more on the fork, which I'll photograph properly for anyone thinking of buying. I guess people's definition of wear and tear differs. This is by far the newest of the 4 bikes in our household and it's the only one with any marks or chips. The others are all immaculate despite being much older and ridden much more. I think that's the main frustration, maybe that's just par for the course of nice paint.
When what should have been a scratch turns into a chip I’d say the paint is delicate. That rear stay looks bad.
Also, rear brake needs re-adjustment, you’re only utilizing 2/3 of the rotor brake surface :)
you’re only utilizing 2/3 of the rotor brake surface
Rotor tracks are typically deeper than the pads, partly to allow for some radial position tolerance. As long as there's 100% radial engagement on the pads, it's all good.
There's quite a few more on the fork, which I'll photograph properly for anyone thinking of buying. I guess people's definition of wear and tear differs. This is by far the newest of the 4 bikes in our household and it's the only one with any marks or chips. The others are all immaculate despite being much older and ridden much more. I think that's the main frustration, maybe that's just par for the course of nice paint.