• #21552
Thanks guys : )
• #21553
• #21554
Which frameset?
• #21555
Space Horse, I think.
• #21556
custom painted space horse
• #21557
name of my next prog rock album
• #21559
Hahah rep
• #21560
In that case it's 700c?
• #21561
Barlow pass are 700c.
That bike isn't finished. I hate empty eyelets, especially on steel frames.
Great very fashionable colour though. -
• #21562
1 Attachment
• #21563
Ya archetypes no 650b
• #21564
This is errr yeh probably safe
1 Attachment
• #21566
What is this? The forks' design and the vibe instantly made me think of Mike Burrows, but if anyone knows for sure it'd be nice to hear. Pic not by me but taken in London.
1 Attachment
• #21567
Dear Susan I believe.
His website is down but I can remember seeing it up there.
1 Attachment
• #21568
Haha, very nice!
: ] -
• #21569
Anyone with experience of these Le Petit Porteur bikes?
€450 for frame + wheelset (although generic) seems like an ok deal.
1 Attachment
• #21570
The Space Horse dropout has a distinct and deliberate notch so you can place the QR head close to the front in a repeatable position. The derailleur hanger is optimised for that position.
• #21572
Cool! Thanks for sharing
• #21573
Dear Susan I believe.
His website is down but I can remember seeing it up there.
I love it.
• #21574
Should have thought of him. He used to hang out at Bikefix, so there is a Burrows connection after all.
• #21575
Someone needs to snap this little Shand Stoater up https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F123797031892
It’s mostly ‘armless.