A question for anyone who has more of an idea than me (not hard!), completely braze around the ST to the BB and then file the DT to fit that joint and then braze on? Or dry fit both the ST and DT to the BB and braze both at the same time in one continuous joint?
I'm not really sure but I don't think completely doing the seattube joint first is the way to go. Unless you are amazingly consistent with your fillet then you'd be trying to fit the downtube up to a pretty irregular shape.
Also, once you get the area up to heat for the downtube joint, the fillet on the seattube might begin to soften and move so your fit up would then be off.
I think especially with having a jig, you'd be better dry fitting everything then doing them as one continuous joint. No idea if you take one tube right down to the bb all around and then fit the other tube to that or if you cut them both?
Don't know if you'll have seen in my thread, I had to move y downtube a bit lower on the bb shell as I'd done the seattube joint in it's entirety then realised the downtube was going to overlap the fillet. I'm using an ebb shell so a slight adjustment meant it became two separate joints for me.
Progress! Work/family/being ill etc. have all got in the way, but I'm back at it and hoping to get plenty done over this weekend. A couple of hours this evening and I've got the main tubes mitred (just need to notch the DT to go over the ST).
Ended up re-drawing the frame in a free CAD program (as suggested by @M_V ) to get the angles between the tubes/tube lengths for the mitre templates, as I don't have a spare £300 for BikeCad Pro. Started mitre-ing with hacksaw/files, this descended into going at them with the grinder by half way through the first mitre and just doing the finishing touches with a file. Tomorrow I'm aiming to get the main triangle completely mitred and aligned in the jig. Then brazing and the rear end over the weekend. No pictures yet apart from a very messy yard, all very exciting for me though!
A question for anyone who has more of an idea than me (not hard!), completely braze around the ST to the BB and then file the DT to fit that joint and then braze on? Or dry fit both the ST and DT to the BB and braze both at the same time in one continuous joint?
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