I plotted some details in thebikelist bike fit and it popped out the numbers of 558mm stack and 365mm reach.
Fitting a bike type like this by averaging and some unknown formulas is as likely to be miles out as it is to be correct. I'd ignore this sort of result and just get a bike that feels good when you ride it o one close to what you've had before, since bar-stem and saddle adjustments will do the rest. The main thing is to get the saddle in the right place, get yourself feeling balanced on the bike as the rest can vary quite a bit and still not be 'wrong'.
Being into all this stuff I've entered my info into a few of these online fitting tables, never got anything back that's that close to what I ride through trial and error and learning - and I ride a few very different set ups in comfort.
Fitting a bike type like this by averaging and some unknown formulas is as likely to be miles out as it is to be correct. I'd ignore this sort of result and just get a bike that feels good when you ride it o one close to what you've had before, since bar-stem and saddle adjustments will do the rest. The main thing is to get the saddle in the right place, get yourself feeling balanced on the bike as the rest can vary quite a bit and still not be 'wrong'.
Being into all this stuff I've entered my info into a few of these online fitting tables, never got anything back that's that close to what I ride through trial and error and learning - and I ride a few very different set ups in comfort.