Good thank you. Hard, but good.
According to the results I was 12th out of the swim, 9th after the bike and then back to 14th after the run. It's a small field (100 I think) but by far my best placing in a tri so I'm pretty happy with my first attempt in 5 years.
I think doing a few years TTing means my bike position is pretty slippery and so flatters my physical ability. I created a segment for the whole bike course for comparison and I seem to be going faster than my close competitors for much less power. Once we got off the bike this really showed as 5 people ran past me. Incidentally I think something similar happened on the swim… I put myself on the front line at the start and worked hard to keep my place for the first 5 minutes or so before I let myself relax and drop back onto some fast feet. Once I had some feet to follow I could just relax into an efficient stroke and only had to sight occasionally, but again I think I lost 3 or 4 places as soon as we got out onto the long run from swim to transition.
Entered for Helvellyn Tri in September but I won't be able to rely on aerodynamics there...
How did it go?