GF brought me some beans home last night. In the meantime I'd managed to tease out a single drinkable coffee by running the grinder at pretty much full tilt and living with ~30ml in about 15 seconds.
stuck the fresh beans in this morning, even after dialling grinder back 1 large notch and about 12 minor notches immediately choked the machine which was actually a great relief.
re-calibrated a final time and back to some semblance of normalcy now.
actually amazed just how much 4 weeks past best beans fucked up the shot. bit gutted as there's 2 more unopened boxes on the shelf (pitfalls of buying in bulk the week before you start spending all your time in another part of the country looking after your mum I guess.
aye the classic.
the seal looks fine and was fresh in when i serviced/replaced the insides (i tend to replace them more often than needed so I make sure I have two spare in my parts box at any given point in case they become hard to source for some reason).
no beans from the gf so the mystery continues.