• Yes, it struck me that Gove just wanted to recreate his own (Grammar?) school days.
    I also experienced the same Arts/Science split going into the 4th Year.
    The EB is not as daunting as it looks.
    Unless you attend a Cof E school you can knock Religious Education off the timetable in the first term of the 5th year, (in our nomenclature).
    The biggest change is the opportunity to study both History & Geography. Both could not be timetabled back in the '70s, if you were taking all three Sciences.

  • And we are having the wrong debate our education system. We obsess about A-levels and Oxbridge and pay next to no attention to FE or vocational training.

  • Yep, Secondary schools sell themselves upon the number of pupils in their 6th Form/Oxbridge candidates/Russell Group entrants.
    A cynic might think Academies are only interested in becoming Grammar schools by stealth.
