• It will be interesting to learn about the final scale of the #deniedmyvote issue (once someone has come up with some reasonable figures).

    I don't know why this is a shock. The referendum was a shit show for non-residents of the UK. It took me the best part of 5 hours on the phone to get the guy at the council to pull his finger out of his arse and find my records. The council where I previously lived in the UK switched from paper to computer 2 years before the event and unless you were locally resident and had signed the forms (not possible for overseas voters obviously), you weren't in the computer.

    Guy I spoke to who used my proxy vote (too late for postal by the time it got sorted) said that in the 3 areas he was doing proxy votes, it was all the same more or less. Not surprised that the government is woefully unprepared (almost suspiciously so) for the European elections.

  • That’s interesting. Quite a painful process. Right or wrongly I have a modicum of sympathy for the council staff. Some years ago I was involved in a London local authority election, and worked closely with the Head of Democratic Services running it. They all seemed to work very hard, and (mostly) cared about what they were doing, some passionately so. However years of under-funding, a prevailing low morale (as a consequence of the endless cuts, as well as the current political environment), combined with an unrealistically compressed timetable, and perhaps some dubious behaviour, have clearly resulted in a bit of a shit show (as you say).


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