Today we announce the death to Theresa May's political career. Born after a long gestation, but a short delivery, it was a stunted and pitiful creature from the outset. Many said that it should have been left to die peacefully at birth, or be put out of its misery in 2017. Her critics were less kind.
She leaves behind a gaping cavern, soon to be filled by hot air, bullshit and the wreckage of any number of other political careers.
There are expected to be no mourners. No flowers. Dancing optional.
Today we announce the death to Theresa May's political career. Born after a long gestation, but a short delivery, it was a stunted and pitiful creature from the outset. Many said that it should have been left to die peacefully at birth, or be put out of its misery in 2017. Her critics were less kind.
She leaves behind a gaping cavern, soon to be filled by hot air, bullshit and the wreckage of any number of other political careers.
There are expected to be no mourners. No flowers. Dancing optional.