Just annoying when a story is fairly carefully built up one way over 6 years, and then rushed through at the end.
Yeah - I get that there's been a change in style. It's gone from something more considered to a something where every episode has to be statement TV.
I sympathise with the producers though - when they started there was one more book to go in the series to get an ending consistent with the style and vision of the author, which he then didn't produce.
Everyone on line seems to suggest that they should have thrown money at the problem by hiring a room full of writers to finish it.
That sounds kind of contradictory - the series based on Martin's writing were so good only because they were based on something that he crafted over 20 years. When you get to the series he didn't (couldn't?) write, well, just forget that only Martin could write the good stuff and replace him with a room full of other writers?And don't forget that they'll be having to write something that the Master himself tied in knots and probably made unfinishable.
Yep, the audience ratings suggest you're spot on with that.
Quite liked it. Nothing special. 6.5/10
At the risk of sounding all fanboi, it's the change in style that people are complaining about.
Series 7 and 8 have been a jolly romp along. All plot driven with characters making uncharacteristically daft decisions, ditching past storylines at random and falling back on deus ex machina or glaring inconsistencies to hurry things along.
And of course, it's a fantasy world - so moaning that dragon fire being unable to burn the little rock Jon hides behind one minute, then causing a city to explode the next, or responding to losing 2 dragons to a javelin and a big arrow by flying directly at 100 more crossbows - could be seen as churlish.
Just annoying when a story is fairly carefully built up one way over 6 years, and then rushed through at the end.
Have been watching The Expanse lately. Sci fi based on a well received set of books. If that went all Star Trek Discovery next series I'd be similarly narked. Probably just about narked enough to comment on a thread specifically made for it on a bike forum, likely no more than that.