Hence why, if we were to stay in the EU, I'd much rather have Labour MEPs than any others, who could actually push a case for the EU's baseline to be improved. I wouldn't trust Lib Dems or Change UK to look after working people.
In the current EU system what is a labour mep going to be able to do to improve the lot of “working people” all of those areas are under the control Westminster.
Also by working people do you mean working poor ?
That's what I wrote. The argument is completely nonsensical. You can't criticise a film about how badly protected workers' rights are in an EU member state by saying we need the EU's protection of workers' rights.
Hence why, if we were to stay in the EU, I'd much rather have Labour MEPs than any others, who could actually push a case for the EU's baseline to be improved. I wouldn't trust Lib Dems or Change UK to look after working people.