Aye, Merlin who I got them from have shrugged it off as "probably something sharp got caught*" but have thankfully passed it onto their distributor.
*I think this is bullshit, I was riding with 16 others, no one else suffered anything and yeah, there was nothing which obviously caused the tear.
I have done some reading up on those Schwalbe Ones and they seem really well-regarded, I might get a stash of them!
I've no idea. I was going quite fast but I could see in front of me, but the lane was quite pot-holey but I couldn't see any glass or other debris. And yep, inflated to 90psi (Corsas in 25 flavour).
By the time I stopped and took the tyre off there wasn't anything embedded in the tyre.
Basically that'll teach me for using nice-looking but ultimately fragile tyres.