At 1g/cm^3, thats around 7 tonnes. Probably around 120 wheelbarrow loads? This site (from the UN) has useful timings for fish farm construction (digging holes): http://www.fao.org/tempref/FI/CDrom/FAO_Training/FAO_Training/General/x6708e/x6708e12.htm#60'a
At 1g/cm^3, thats around 7 tonnes. Probably around 120 wheelbarrow loads?
Also bear in mind that loose soil is also 2-3 times the volume it was in the ground, so you'll be looking at 14-20 cubic meters of loose soil to go somewhere else or dispose of.
Get a mattock if you don't have one, it'll make breaking up the ground much easier.
A good shovel is better than a flat garden shovel for moving the loose earth.
(Recently dug a trench for a new garden wall and a slab for a bin store.)
Had a go figuring out where the ground would be using some bricks, level and a 2.4m timber. The stack of bricks on the bottom right represents the bottom of the suspended floor at the front, 52cm. I knew it would be around that figure but seeing it in person is making me worry this office will tower over our garden.
I'm beginning to think that I should do a bit of digging. The two raised beds either side of the pathway have about 35-40cm of top soil that I really am starting to think I need to get rid of.
Anyone know much about digging? Is attempting to excavate 6x3x0.4m of top soil with hand tools possible? I'm not adverse to a bit of hard work.