Done a bit more tinkering with hassio. Biggest is that I've picked up a very cheap used small form factor desktop pc and moved hassio to that as a vm in proxmox.
I also expanded the zigbee2mqtt network and switched from using cheap rf switches to cheap xiaomi zigbee switches. They look and feel much nicer, but also enable programming of single, double, triple, quadruple and long press for different things. Great example of this is bedside lamps. 1 press toggles the respective side lamp, double press toggles opposite side lamp, long press toggles both at the same time.
Another cool thing I've managed to set up is plant monitors using those cheapo miflora sensors. Once they were integrated via an esp32 board and esphome I could set up automatons to have my google home mini tell me when they need water, but only when the conditions I've set are met (me or other half home, and between 8am and 10pm). I also have it set to text my phone when it goes below 15% moisture.
Done a bit more tinkering with hassio. Biggest is that I've picked up a very cheap used small form factor desktop pc and moved hassio to that as a vm in proxmox.
I also expanded the zigbee2mqtt network and switched from using cheap rf switches to cheap xiaomi zigbee switches. They look and feel much nicer, but also enable programming of single, double, triple, quadruple and long press for different things. Great example of this is bedside lamps. 1 press toggles the respective side lamp, double press toggles opposite side lamp, long press toggles both at the same time.
Another cool thing I've managed to set up is plant monitors using those cheapo miflora sensors. Once they were integrated via an esp32 board and esphome I could set up automatons to have my google home mini tell me when they need water, but only when the conditions I've set are met (me or other half home, and between 8am and 10pm). I also have it set to text my phone when it goes below 15% moisture.
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