Well you can choose your estimated miles. I put 3k on my bike but I’ve actually done 5 this year. If I had to claim, I’ve no doubt they would try to get out of it.
Although when getting quotes I can put mine up to 10k+ and it doesn’t change the price now so I won’t bother next time. My insurance has just run out so I’m looking for a new bike and then have to go through the whole thing again
I'll have a play on comparison sites, see what happens. The cars only worth <£400 so I can't see it ever being economical to repair it. Worth just getting 3rd party fire and theft? Or is fully comp worth it
Well you can choose your estimated miles. I put 3k on my bike but I’ve actually done 5 this year. If I had to claim, I’ve no doubt they would try to get out of it.
Although when getting quotes I can put mine up to 10k+ and it doesn’t change the price now so I won’t bother next time. My insurance has just run out so I’m looking for a new bike and then have to go through the whole thing again