Starting an analogue clear out if anyone is interested in these
Canon EOS 300x body £15
Olympus Trip 35 with Olympus PS200 flash £30. Red flag operation intermittent but exposes fine.
Konica Z-Up 28w with case and box £20
Canon Sure Shot Sleek with case £20
Nikon Lite Touch Zoom 70w £5
Pentax SMC M 28mm f2.8 £30
Pentax SMC M 28-50mm f3.5-4.5 zoom £30
and a digital
Panasonic Lumix G3 body £40
Collection in Birmingham, or can post for extra (£5ish)
Starting an analogue clear out if anyone is interested in these
Canon EOS 300x body £15
Olympus Trip 35 with Olympus PS200 flash £30. Red flag operation intermittent but exposes fine.
Konica Z-Up 28w with case and box £20
Canon Sure Shot Sleek with case £20
Nikon Lite Touch Zoom 70w £5
Pentax SMC M 28mm f2.8 £30
Pentax SMC M 28-50mm f3.5-4.5 zoom £30
and a digital
Panasonic Lumix G3 body £40
Collection in Birmingham, or can post for extra (£5ish)