Fat but it's not super palatable so there tends to be a bit of a compromise. Can you heat anything or is it just what you can carry? I'd be looking at flapjacks - dense, high calorie, decent carbs, high fat, individually wrapped.
I've used those veloforte bars that skinny mentions, they're quite nice. There's a Tesco deal for a sample pack or something for like £1 each.
I'd probably have a combo of stuff, ie. nuts for salt and energy dense calories and carb bars of some sort for quicker energy should you need to get a hustle on at some point.
But then I underfueled in RATN and failed miserably so don't listen to me :)
not sure if right place but - any ideas about most calory dense food to carry?
doing a ride where there will be multiple 100km+ stretches of gravel roads without any chance to resupply and aside from gels or whatever, what can I carry for emergencies that won't take up too much room/weight?