Yea I believe it was as you describe. It was effectively a Bafang rear motor drive, with the sketchy throttle on the handlebars. Couldn’t feel the twist under my glove and nearly revved it into the wall when putting it back in the shop. Did not enjoy.
There’s an incredibly small chance I’ll help out the bike shop at events, in which case I’ll try out all the brands and options to help sell to punters.
Just got back from taking the bike up a short relatively steep hill with a small but bulky heavy load on the sidecar. Had to collect a few bits. Rear wheel sounds awful, but once again I was glad for the stupidly low gearing I’ve got at the moment. Spinny. Keen to get it electrified though.
Was the french one activated by just a hall effect sensor on the crank/BB? Those are the cheapest variety and you see them a lot, they pedal exactly as you describe, it just detects the crank is turning forward and assistance comes in, pretty basic in terms of electronics but useful in some circumstance (moving a lot of weight or just cruising about). The proper mid-drives are a very different experience. ITs worth trying a Shimano STEPS vs a Bosch eco/performance line as they both feel totally different as well.
+1 makes normal bikes feel slow, you quickly get used to the transition between them though.