Were those the ones on ebay? I was pleased someone else bought those before Friday night beers had their way with me :)
I feel for you re the freewheel, I had a torrid time with one last year. Is it a notched freewheel? Sheldon's advice "Once the notches are damaged, or to remove and discard an old freewheel for which you have no tool, you must disassemble the freewheel and clamp the core into a vise -- left side of the wheel up -- then unscrew the wheel counterclockwise."https://www.sheldonbrown.com/freewheels.html Doesn't solve your leverage problem though!
Were those the ones on ebay? I was pleased someone else bought those before Friday night beers had their way with me :)
I feel for you re the freewheel, I had a torrid time with one last year. Is it a notched freewheel? Sheldon's advice "Once the notches are damaged, or to remove and discard an old freewheel for which you have no tool, you must disassemble the freewheel and clamp the core into a vise -- left side of the wheel up -- then unscrew the wheel counterclockwise."https://www.sheldonbrown.com/freewheels.html Doesn't solve your leverage problem though!