• With about 6 weeks to go before the triathlon I feel I am in good shape. I am putting in a couple of 40+k rides a week before work, swimming up to 3 k at a time and can almost complete a 10k run. It's the running that kills me. I did an open water swim in lake Windermere this weekend and at 11 degrees it was pretty cold. It took me a long time to warm up afterwards. I understand the Thames may be about 15 degrees on the day. I will be wearing a trisuit with a wetsuit over the top. My question is will it be enough to get straight on the bike in my wet trisuit or will I also need a jacket. I guess it's weather dependent. If so what type of cycling jacket would one recommend as I don't want to get cold or overheat.

  • I'd probably only consider a jacket if its less than about 10 degrees, you are doing Windsor right?

    You'll be warm after the swim if you are swimming quickly, you've then got a fairly long transition to get warmer and once you're working hard on the bike then you'll be fine.

  • Hi Ed. How's things? Thanks for the response, yes Windsor is correct, first ever tri so am a bit nervous about it. Will be hoping for nice weather
