I was at Bespoked, bumped in to the CL stand and had a pair of the pedals in my hands. They are nice looking things, but big and on the heavy side. Possibly foolishly they had a pair of Tommy Bar and a pair of Sprints on the stand and the new ones suffered in comparison. IMO the Sprints are one of the most aesthetically pleasing pedals ever made. I think the watch analogy is probably a good one, and agree that turns me off rather than on! Anyway, they’re nicely made, big platform, good on an upmarket commuter.
I do like that Coloral bottle though 🙃 Call me a ponce but I don’t mind drinking out of something that isn’t 70 years old and also isn’t plastic!
I'm not sure whether this version is the same as the original one.
On their Instagram page they state they are the legendary British bicycle component maker established in 1890.
The website is lacking with next to no real detail.
I wonder if anyone on this forum is visiting the bespoked bicycle show in Bristol this weekend as they have a stall and it would be good to actually see a component in real life.
On another old component , Coloral water bottles are being produced again - https://coloral.cc/products/the-original-cycling-bottle?variant=7988121960506&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Facebook%20Shop