• #19427
you have to push the button
• #19428
wont work
• #19429
scream at it and threaten to only use medium format from now on if it won't comply
• #19430
I'd be happy to take if nobody else wants it.
I'll cover postage cost, as not in London.
• #19431
PM me
• #19432
1 Attachment
• #19433
I've been playing with these:
https://shop.lomography.com/en/lomography-simple-use-camera-with-color-negative-filmAren't strictly a single use camera so a little less unfriendly to the environment?
• #19434
Another n00b q for you friendly folk: I have an old compact camera from when I was younger, from a bit of googling it's a kodak advantix of some sort. Is this worth getting my mum to hunt out to play with? Or is it basically a paperweight now?
• #19436
Figures. Thanks!
• #19437
What are those Canon sure shots like?
I'm enjoying shooting the cheap point and shoots recently. I got a boxed Pentax Espio EW 24mm for next to nothing, slow lens but pretty damn impressed with the first roll on HP5.
3 Attachments
• #19438
24mm! Want. Let me know if you ever want to sell. Ive got a Rollei Prego with a 28mm at the wide end but its just massive, I have SLRs that are smaller...
Espio's are great. A 24mm in a compact would be my ideal party camera -
• #19439
Yellow too! -
• #19440
Nice one!
• #19441
Oooh I like that...
• #19442
In other news I just successfully fought my inner couch potato and developed that roll of T-Max I had sitting in the fridge since last year, only to discover it was that roll, the one where I only shot four images on, and which I then swapped for a different ISO speed and forgot to label this on the tin.
• #19443
Got some nice wooden spoon things though
• #19444
Thank you!
From the same roll of very old superia 200. -
• #19445
such light..
• #19446
Colours on those are really nice
• #19447
What are those Canon sure shots like?
I've got a Sure Shot Sleek and wasn't impressed with it. It's not particularly an enjoyable experience using it and the results aren't that great either. Your Espio shots look nicer than what I coaxed out of my Sure Shot Sleek
• #19448
Voigtlander Vito II, Ilford Delta 400
5 Attachments
• #19449
Could spend ages making stuff look like that in post... really great. I love the one of the antenna.
• #19450
Scanned some film tonight, Kate on HP5, shot with my Rolleicord.
1 Attachment
turns on, lens doesent come out, doesent fire