That Duke is a bit quick! Worth mentioning that Rutter is basically doing an exhibition lap (part of an old PB test) - he's going quick but not full beans by any measure. It's shocking as you get to see the speedo. For reference, that's a 123mph average lap - the lap record, held by Peter Hickman is an utterly mindboggling 135mph!
Check this out...he gives commentary too.
It's really pretty absurd.
You'd be fair to assume they're all just bombastic thrill seekers, but from the way him and others speak, they all have a very real and humbled awareness of how ludicrous this all is.
The section where he reiterates that it took him weeks to learn how to go flat out in a section really got to me. Weeks of work on a single section. It's commitment and learning.
Much salute.