It's basically down to which pressure system is winning between the scandinavian low and azores high. If the scandinavian low is larger or more west than average then it'll dominate the UK's weather and pull in air from the arctic. Usually in the UK the icelandic low is dominant over winter and the azores high over summer and they all kinda scrap it out in spring/autumn. A dominant icelandic/azores pressure system will give us a SW prevailing wind and it's only a dominant scandinavian system that gives us a NE prevailing wind so that's why it's a bit rarer.
It's basically down to which pressure system is winning between the scandinavian low and azores high. If the scandinavian low is larger or more west than average then it'll dominate the UK's weather and pull in air from the arctic. Usually in the UK the icelandic low is dominant over winter and the azores high over summer and they all kinda scrap it out in spring/autumn. A dominant icelandic/azores pressure system will give us a SW prevailing wind and it's only a dominant scandinavian system that gives us a NE prevailing wind so that's why it's a bit rarer.
pic borrowed from the OU.