I’ve been thinking this for ages so I’d be keen to pick up a set. Have you got a rough idea about costs already?
Which panel do you mean, side or bottom? My plan was to use the original side panels and bottom and then add either fabric or some kind of board material in the gap between the now wider sides and frame
No idea on costs, but as soon as I have time to work on it I will make a thread in CP. Don't expect a finished product though, I need to keep it as cheap as possible. :)
I have also thought about strapping stuff (stroller or a pushbike) to the sidepanels, but that would just be a couple of machined slits in the poly carbonate to put some lashing straps through. Maybe with reinforced brackets that go up to the side from the attachment points, but need to think it through.
We have a normal human powered Bullit with a Gates and Alfine 8 setup also with the canopy and seat. Girlfriend uses it every day to drop off the little one on her way to work and she loves it (both the girlfriend and our daughter). I am having trouble claiming it back, she uses it for everything!
Have been thinking about a solution for widening the cargo bay in the summer with custom polycarbonate panels and machined inserts. But have been super busy at work so have not found the time to draw somthing up in CAD. The inserts will be largely based on the original ones and I still need to look at panel options. If there is any more interest for these bits it will bring the price down a bit.
For reference, the parts that need to be custom for widening the floor: