• #20852
This excerpt from a discussion with Chomsky is worth a watch. It's actually about Trump, but the same ideas apply to Brexit.
Basically, he argues that Trump builds a coalition of support comprised of the rich and powerful, and a collection of groups with strongly-held beliefs (white nationalists, anti-abortionists, religious zealots, etc.). The rich and powerful might not agree with Trump's more outrageous statements, but they tolerate them because he rewards them with lower tax bills, deregulation, etc. He doesn't actually do anything for all the other fanatical groups, and in fact they end up indirectly being worse off, but he makes them feel as though they have someone fighting their cause.
That seems just like Brexit. The majority of the arguments used to stir up anti-EU sentiment were demonstrably false, but doing that helped Farage, Johnson, Rees-Mogg, et al, to win over those groups. They knew that. And they're doing it again all over again with their betrayal narrative.
• #20853
Her henchman to the left of the picture looks a bit worried... :)
• #20854
wow. that's quite the vote winner you've got there, boys.
• #20855
Clearly a subliminal restatement of their California hardcore credentials.
1 Attachment
• #20856
Get in the van!....and fuck off back to wherever you came from, is much more of a Tory Party and UKIP tag line though :)
• #20857
The whole thing is giving me a Nervous Breakdown
• #20858
Everyone should call them the ChUnKis.
• #20859
TVChangeUK Party (tonight!) -
• #20861
Brilliant last line
• #20862
But still we give him air time. And post articles about him. A brilliant last line indeed. Shame on us.
• #20863
now that Brexit has been voted down by the Brexiteers for not being enough like the imaginary Brexit they made up.
Ha! Not untrue.
• #20864
Shame on us
Yeah, fuck white ppl. Can't die quick enough.
• #20865
EU elections.
I'm apathetic. I have apathy. Very apathetious.
This is what they wanted. For the population to be ground down by May's robotic persistence to reject reality. So I will vote. But inside my Brexit gland has been wrung out harder than Peter Stringfellow's holiday loincloth
• #20866
Vote who? Or what?
• #20867
I don't normally enjoy this kind of thing, but that felt great. (I hope it's true.)
• #20868
Has this been resolved yet?
• #20869
• #20870
A bit more on the surprise marxist professor that joined the Brexit party...one with a past linked to people that were against the NI peace process (the GFA)
Anne Widdecombe missed all that? Or perhaps their dislike of the EU is great enough to unite them, until they have to do some actual positive "be for something" work.
• #20871
Someone I went to uni with was involved with Spiked Online and Institute of Ideas (where she is the Director) so I've seen her crop up a lot. They're funded by some big pharmaceutical companies (probably due to being very pro-GM crops) and others of that ilk.
They basically appear to be professional contrarians (one of the most famous stories about her is that she supported Gary Glitter's right to download child pornography).
• #20873
EU elections results represent proportionally so vote for who you least dislike please ... to at-least counter the UKIP votes.
Vote green!
• #20874
surprise marxist professor that joined the Brexit party
Really? I thought the far left were quite known for being anti EU.
For example, the Morning Star
Carole Cadwalladr's Ted talk on facebook's role in Brexit is amazing, apologies if repost