This unfaired look seems a bit ugly around the radiator. Maybe it looks better from different angles. The radiator looks like it was designed to be hidden.
Is it in the F range? I've been keeping an eye on that range to see when it might work money wise for me. I didn't realise the one you're looking at comes in under £3k, that's been my sort of magic number too. I guess the faired version is more expensive.
I quite like the idea of the new G310GS for a town bike. They're £5k new though so a few years from now they might be a good choice.
I think the problem with the 800 class is higher revs if you're doing a lot of motorway mileage. It's really much more powerful than you need in town but nice to have that power in reserve.
Does it need to be naked? The faired versions look good, maybe better to my eye but I've not seen much of this model.