• #2502
what 00 flour do people recommend?
Gotta say I got the best pizza doughs from the cheapest 405 wheat flour found in the low budget supermarkets.
• #2503
Caputo 00 pizza flour is my go to. Can buy it from Amazon or various eBay sellers.
Caputo Wheat Flour 00 (1kg) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003VZ078G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_rByWCbVKKZGAD
• #2504
Shit, I thought £1.30 per kg was expensive at Shipton Mill!
• #2505
Defo agree on flour.
Not price though.
Try here...
https://www.nifeislife.com/caputo-wheat-flour-p-669.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8InHr4br4QIVIzPTCh2kzAymEAQYASABEgLYwfD_BwE -
• #2506
For sure, although £30 minimum order means its worthwhile stocking up on other things too.
• #2507
Anything DOP.
• #2508
All the San-Marzanos
• #2509
Also busted out the Rocbox at the weekend.
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• #2510
Following this thread with interest, and will hopefully start contributing soonish. Got my girlfriend The Elements Of Pizza by Ken Forkish, two pizza scoops and a pizza stone for her birthday last month. After endless delays the stone should arrive next week, so we'll hopefully get going by then.
• #2511
The idea of a brick pizza oven is so much better than the reality. I built one 5 years ago, probably used it about 10 times. It takes bags of wood and ages to heat up, it's just a bit of a messy faf. It does look very cool though.
There are a few things I would do differently if I was going to build one again. Admittedly I did build it using reclaimed materials which maybe contributing to its poor performance.
The weather has got to it and it needs some repairs, it would cost about £800 to repair and improve it.
So I bought an Uuni Pro instead, it's a million times better. As you say very quick to heat up, you can just cook in it whenever you want. The brick you had to plan a week ahead.
I've got the gas and pellet burners but so far have just used wood and charcoal. It cooks brilliantly.
Pizza obviously, but I've done bread and even a leg of lamb. Still lots to experiment with I've only had it a week.
Full disclosure:I work for John Lewis so get 25% staff discount off the Uuni 😄
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• #2512
This looks better than mine... apart from scraps of animal... whats your dough making process?
• #2513
This was my main thought about the pro - much better clearance from the cooking surface to allow bigger things to be cooked in it.
I did so much research on building an oven, that every time I thought I was getting near to starting, I'd learn something that had me planning it differently. And with each bit of new information, the price went up! Oven cement, insulation, cooking surface etc etc.
I'm sure I'll build one at some stage down the line, but for now I'm very happy with my little uuni.
• #2514
You could put the Uuni inside the real oven though for shits and giggles
: ] -
• #2515
Oh believe me I've been trying to work out how to do that.
• #2516
I personally think San Marzano tomatoes are over rated and over priced. Best bang for buck and taste imo is Rega Gold.
Flour wise dallagiovanna la napoletana flour is heads and shoulders above Caputo.
• #2517
Link us up fom.
• #2518
It was the same-day dough from the Ken Forkish book, Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast.
Happy to PM a photo rather than post it up. -
• #2519
I can sort you with both but im in Glasgow.
• #2520
I'm going to do my first pizzas in the uuni 3 today ... wondering how people deal with raw meat toppings (i.e. bits of sausage) ... is that a no-no for such quick cooking times?
• #2521
Raw sausage I would break up into bits and put on a tray and give it just a little colour personally.
• #2522
Fired the uuni 3 up for the first time ... it took a couple of charred crusts but I eventually got the hang of it...
I used a recipe from a place in Brooklyn I used to frequent when I lived there (back before they started selling their pizzas frozen at whole foods) ...
(With an overnight rise)
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• #2523
Yeah they look really great.
• #2524
Where did we end up with dough proving trays? Could have sworn someone did individual ones, thought it was Ooni but it appeasements not....
• #2525
I couldn’t justify the costs so I just got a few deep baking trays at tkmaxx for £5 a piece and then use cling wrap
Cheers. Not happy with the rise of the crust though, also oven should have been a wee bit hotter.
I went with Roccbox because it looked sturdier and a few of the people who make pizzas the way I want to use them.