Right, back on track. Assembly stuff on your link makes some sense although doesn't fill me with confidence immediately. I may warm to it as time goes by, I can offer no better alternative.
I'm still not sure the timeline checks out given the number of subject areas to tackle. How will these be prioritised?
It all sounds like it could lead to death by committee before any action can be taken. Also the impartiality of those chosen may still be questionable.
I found this article really informative. I felt like it gave good context and addressed many concerns one might have if only just hearing about them on a superficial level. I found the analysis of the Irish citizens assembly as part of their referendum on abortion laws actually really interesting. I didn't even know that they had one! It cites many other examples of assemblies that have worked surprisingly well. I had no idea that they existed before reading this and in many ways they certainly sound like they're worth a shot. I'm personally pretty open to alternative ways to progress our democratic system considering how inadequate it currently seems to be.
Ok, that now makes sense. Have a read here regards the Citizens Assembly.
There are no shortage of ideas but policies proposals really need to come from an assembly looking at the best evidence in order to have credibility.