Completely agree that the government needs to lead. Corporations won't go green until they have to and they have the ability to have far larger impacts on mitigation than expecting individuals to make lifestyle choices which is just playing around the edges. I see day in day out, senior individuals at major emitters saying how terrible climate change is and then make decisions that are environmentally bad but good for the shareholders and not see the impact they are having because they believe if it was that important the laws and regulations would of been changed....they probably use bags for life and paper straws though so feel they are doing thier bit
There are many, many changes that can be made in almost every business sector that could be made relatively easily and quickly with only minor costs. No businesses (except those marketed as ‘green’) will adopt these widely if it puts them at a competitive disadvantage. Change has to come from above.
A people’s assembly would research and detail changes and put them forward for government. Once a government is broadly committed to a people’s assembly the political cost (to the gov) of implementing change is reduced because responsibility lies largely with the assembly.