Been reading a bit on the 750's since your last post, and they do seem to have a bit of trouble.
You got your eye on another bike?
Small bikes are awesome and underrated. A while ago I had a weekend on an Inazuma 250 and it was a riot. You can really wring it's neck and not worry about much.
I hate riding or getting out of London at the moment. I never see third and there's a constant paranoia about traps and hazards.
You got your eye on another bike?
An insurance quote put an end to my desire for a Daytona.
So an adventure type bike of sorts. Adventure seems to be a modern trend so 2nd hand market is fairly pricey still.
Dual sport bikes tend to be 90s and awesome but not ULEZ compliant or 2000s and butt ugly. My uncle has a new Africa twin, dream bike (one of)