My 42mm Nanos were pretty good, although the knobbles did nothing for me. Dropping down a little bit to something like 38mm/35mm with file tread would've been ideal.
But the cobbles are bonkers. I literally felt concussed the next day, although my body felt fine - like my brain had been bouncing around inside my skull.
Agreed on all points about gearing. I would say I stuck mainly in 44-15 - despite having other options it is virtually impossible to change gear on the cobbles. IF I ever did it again I would double wrap the bar tape and drop the psi to 30
My 42mm Nanos were pretty good, although the knobbles did nothing for me. Dropping down a little bit to something like 38mm/35mm with file tread would've been ideal.
But the cobbles are bonkers. I literally felt concussed the next day, although my body felt fine - like my brain had been bouncing around inside my skull.