Anyone had their Artex ceilings tested for asbestos? I'm unsure if mine are Artex or textured paint, and don't really fancy messing with it too much, for obvious reasons
The plan is to plaster over them, but one ceiling has a large crack and bulge which needs dealing with first, and I don't want to start cutting it apart to investigate why until I know for sure I won't die in a cloud of lung destroying fibres
Any recommendations welcome. I've looked into self test kits and getting a pro in, just wondered if anyone had experience similar
Anyone had their Artex ceilings tested for asbestos? I'm unsure if mine are Artex or textured paint, and don't really fancy messing with it too much, for obvious reasons
The plan is to plaster over them, but one ceiling has a large crack and bulge which needs dealing with first, and I don't want to start cutting it apart to investigate why until I know for sure I won't die in a cloud of lung destroying fibres
Any recommendations welcome. I've looked into self test kits and getting a pro in, just wondered if anyone had experience similar