The BBC isn't perfect - personally I think it can have a slight government bias on some of the less critical programmes and the website - but that was also true under Labour, it's not just a Tory government thing. But fundamentally it's a trustworthy, unbiased news organisation that reports the facts and is a true institution.
They do some fantastic journalism. Personally I think some of their radio output is best - PM on Radio 4 is currently my go to for balanced news on Brexit and nobody could accuse it of being uncritical of the government. The World Service do some brilliant foreign reporting with real insight and colour. I could go on, there are plenty more examples.
I worked with a lot of BBC producers in my old job and for shows like PM they can almost be frustrating to work with because their standard for guests is so high - you'll often get spiked at the last minute because they've found someone who was closer to the action or is better placed to talk about something. They always want it straight from the horse's mouth, not from some rent-a-quote. But that's what makes it so good.
My friend who started off in BBC politics is now editing Today and I know how much shit he gets if a proposed piece could be seen as unbalanced - their standards are generally very high.
For all its shortcomings comparing the Beeb with RT is really chalk and cheese...
The reality is RT is Putin's anti-British mouthpiece, constantly running negative, biased stories on Britain. They've been warned by OFCOM about breaking the impartiality rules, so take anything you read on it with a big pinch of salt.