Not really pain but I'm getting a bit of crepitis (creaking) in my right knee.
Google diagnosis says its not really anything to worry about unless its accompanied by pain which mine isn't (but I do sometimes feel a bit of 'tightness' in that knee) or following a trauma, which mine isn't.
I've had it come on after a long ride and then go away again after a day or two before but now it seems to be here to stay and I creak like a door when I climb stairs!
my girlfriend has the same. really thought it was the stairs going when she climbs them :') Went to see a doctor about it and he didn't really give an explanation, only said it was nothing to worry about when there is no pain.
Not really pain but I'm getting a bit of crepitis (creaking) in my right knee.
Google diagnosis says its not really anything to worry about unless its accompanied by pain which mine isn't (but I do sometimes feel a bit of 'tightness' in that knee) or following a trauma, which mine isn't.
I've had it come on after a long ride and then go away again after a day or two before but now it seems to be here to stay and I creak like a door when I climb stairs!
Any other sufferers on here?