I bought this on here, cheap and only recently built it. I've ridden it a few times since but have something better in the works.
It's lugged carbon (aluminium lugs, I presume), which is exciting. It rode well from what I could tell, no suspect flex or anything, and while the condition isn't the best (reflected in the price) it's holding up.
Headset is ultegra, not in good nick. Might be serviceable, I don't know.
Top tube c-c is 55cm, seat tube c-t 57cm c-c 55cm, so 55 square basically, head tube about 14cm
I bought this on here, cheap and only recently built it. I've ridden it a few times since but have something better in the works.
It's lugged carbon (aluminium lugs, I presume), which is exciting. It rode well from what I could tell, no suspect flex or anything, and while the condition isn't the best (reflected in the price) it's holding up.
Headset is ultegra, not in good nick. Might be serviceable, I don't know.
Top tube c-c is 55cm, seat tube c-t 57cm c-c 55cm, so 55 square basically, head tube about 14cm
£60 plus postage or collection in Manchester
Pics: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13c-0Glbt_0r_0Opvbzx6E8cWAERNHNX8