Essex Police tweeted the outcome of this checkpoint.
Tickets issued for 66 instances of not wearing seatbelt, 2 driving while using mobile phone, 7 illegal window tints, 10 no MOTs, 7 number plates infractions, 4 tyre offences, 4 no insurance, 9 speeding. 5 cars seized in total.
TFL were there also, and nabbed taxi drivers for false/no ID, 11 unfit to drive.
It didn't say, but sounded like private hire vehicles were the main concern.
There was also a human slavery check going on near Stanstead at the same time.
Essex Police tweeted the outcome of this checkpoint.
Tickets issued for 66 instances of not wearing seatbelt, 2 driving while using mobile phone, 7 illegal window tints, 10 no MOTs, 7 number plates infractions, 4 tyre offences, 4 no insurance, 9 speeding. 5 cars seized in total.
TFL were there also, and nabbed taxi drivers for false/no ID, 11 unfit to drive.
It didn't say, but sounded like private hire vehicles were the main concern.
There was also a human slavery check going on near Stanstead at the same time.