I'm exactly with you. Siamese Dream made me love fuzz, and those Op Amps might not be the most wide-ranging of fuzzes, but they give you that SD sound perfectly. It's not what I'm after right now but I will be buying one second hand when I see a bargain.
I think I'll pick up one of those Behringers in the short term and keep an eye out for a nano triangle in the meantime. Great looking out. Checked out a few videos and it sounds exactly like my old FZ-2.
I'm also in the market for a fuzz - ideally an EHX triangle muff / op amp, or a Boss FZ-2, or a clone thereto.
I gave my old FZ-2 to a pal in the 90s when I'd finished with my Smashing Pumpkins phase. V upset about that now.