Nicest bikepacking trips I've done have been train to Bristol parkway - cycle over Severn bridge - up the wye valley - across to the Brecon beacons.
Not coastal I admit, but I loved this route and area much more than the south coasters I've done - feels wilder, and therefore more chilled for wild camping; also the countryside is more beautiful. That rough route would go past the steeply forested Wye valley; rolling countryside to get across to the beacons; and then big dramatic hills (i went over the gospel pass as it's stunning but there's lots of beauty round there). Think there's a bivvy in the beacons as well but not sure if it's accessible by road bike.
Any recommendations for a little 3 dayer tour. Thinking something coastal; Dorset or something but open to any ideas. Did Norfolk coast last year and it was great.
Thought I would have a gravel bike built up in time, but looks like it's gonna be on my steel tourer with panniers etc, so road routes only please.
Wild camping or bivvying.
Any thoughts about what would be good and if so, got a route you can share?
Any help appreciated...