I think a better line of reasoning would be: is it beyond reasonable doubt that by taking the picture he was a) aware of that guy's views and b) endorsing that guy and his views? It looks like that 'event' was a paid service to meet and get your picture taken with a 'star'. It's possible that was his n hundredth of the day and he just missed it.
Not taking a position here, but better evidence is needed. I have no idea whether such evidence exists or not. It may well do.
P.S. the spelling is the icing on the cake there...
“Since when is Islam a race?”
Classic! By splitting hairs you have crushed me in the online debate just like Daddy Peterson would do.
Ok Sir, (that’s how Petersonati address people when CRUSHING them in debates) in the U.K. we put religious hatred and racial hatred in the same legal pot generally. Because the people doing the hate often draw ethnic and religious lines together in day to day life the terms are interchangeable. For example:When someone is accused of being anti Semitic, the assumption is that it’s jews in the spotlight not Semitic people such as Palestians.
If Peterson unknowingly posed for the picture with Mr Islamophobe, he then probably uploaded it to his website unknowingly and then unknowingly deleted it after the Christchurch Massacre.
The bit that makes me laugh so much about Peterson is his beef with Post Modernism (well his interpretation of Post Modernism) it’s like having a beef with the Gulf Stream or Magnetic North.
Sorry everyone I went down a Peterson rabbit hole about a year back, I have a lot of ammunition. I also find his popularity funny/terrifying /depressing
He’s just an average professor who needs to bump up his wages.
He does this by saying stuff that fascists really like. His skill is appearing plausible and logical then dropping in little dog whistle nuggets for his mob of fans. The classic case of being what dumb people think an intelligent person sounds like.
He is very widely read but understands little. See Lobsters.
See pic of not at all racist JP in NZ a few weeks ago