The fail could be at any of the many layers of the stack, from stupid restriction by front-end designer on down. I worked on an early PaaS system where the terribly clever logging framework failed on non-Latin characters, unlike every other part of the system. Since they'd been extra clever, failure of the logging component broke the system (real talent, there).
that said, it's not a massive ask to change these characters to something less problematic on submission.
In the case, as here, of a city name in an app explicitly designed for non-UK citizens, you'd expect that to be being stored plain-text in a database. If the database schema didn't allow for UTF here, the designers are morons. This is a data driven app and the bounds of that data should be communicated all the way up the stack. There shouldn't be anything problematic about non-Latin characters going straight all the way back down the stack, either.
Edit: Yes, this one shouldn't be stored, doh. But since they will have to be processing lots of non-latin character set data for the applicants anyway, any Latin-only restrictions are pants.
a city name in an app explicitly designed for non-UK citizens, you'd expect that to be being stored plain-text in a database.
I don't get this bit - isn't the city name a password here, so should not be stored in plain text?
I'm a BA though, so I'd just handwave it all as 'authenticate the user' in a vague business process diagram and the rest all comes under 'tech's problem'.
More often than not, these sort of things are thrown up because the back end system the form is writing to only accepts certain characters, that said, it's not a massive ask to change these characters to something less problematic on submission.