• Statement from JRM:

    This approach to government is an unsuccessful one and it also lacks democratic legitimacy. People did not vote for a Corbyn-May coalition government – they voted for a Conservative government, which became a confidence and supply with the DUP.

    This is a deeply unsatisfactory approach. It’s not in the interests of the country, it fails to deliver on the referendum result and history doesn’t bode well for it.

    His disappointment should bring all of us joy.

    Corbyn said he's "very happy" to meet May.

  • I can't see how the biggest two parties working together is less democratically legitimate than the biggest + one small one. It doesn't make any sense. But then what should I expect from mogg...

  • Yeah he's having a tantrum because he thinks we're getting a soft Brexit. He even mentions the DUP coalition in the following sentence, some real mental gymnastics required to justify one and not the other

    Corbyn would be accepting a little sip from the poisoned chalice if he actually engages with this process - I can't really see it working in his favour in the long term... let's see what happens
