• When do we, Scotland, get a second referendum?

    Surely at this stage the SNP are arguing this a change enough in political landscape to enforce one?

    Ps forgot #LeaveTheLightOn

  • When do we, Scotland, get a second referendum?

    There's gossip going around that May is opposed to Nick Boles's Common Market 2.0 option because she thinks it would make it easier for the SNP to argue for independence. Or that she used that scare story to frighten Tory MPs into voting against.

  • We still don't know what sort of Brexit we're getting. Several options on the table. The implications for independent Scotland depend on it.

    I don't know if this was posted in this thread but (apparently) May's opposition to CM2.0 was partly that Scotland would just go independent and join the EU with no real difficulty - they could easily access UK (England really) goods + services and retain FoM


    Edit: ^^ beat me to it
